About Pec Implants

Gynecomastia is a common, benign condition, which is characterized by enlargement of the male breast and/or the collection of fatty tissue in the chest area. It usually begins in adolescence as a result of normal hormonal changes and typically resolves within two years. If it does not resolve within several years, many males choose surgical correction and obtain excellent results.

USC trained, double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. John Compoginis has significant training in performing treatments that correct gynecomastia. During the procedure, excess fat and glandular tissue are removed directly by liposuction techniques if possible or by surgical excision if necessary. The result is a flatter, firmer, and more normally contoured chest. It should be noted that the fatty layer over the chest wall will be about a half inch thick after the procedure, a normal thickness for someone without gynecomastia. To learn more, please call Orange County Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA.